The head of chaer:Erejepova Gulbaxar
Телефон:+99   953 04  55
E-mail:gulbaxar@ mail ru

Chair  of  fruitgrowing,  melon-growing, vegetavle growing

        The  chair  of  fruitgrowing,  melon-growing, vegetavle growing  waz formed  in  accordance  wits the  PD- 3704 of the  republic  of  Uzbekiston  on may  8  2018  At Prezent  X Matyakubov , candidate  of  agricultura  saiense is a head  of the  chair


5411000- Fruitgrowing,  melon-growing, vegetavle growing  ,

5411600- Melon-growing, vegetavle growing  .


5А411001- Fruitgrowing,  melon-growing