
The Council of the Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology of Karakalpakstan developed on the basis of the REGULATION on the Scientific Council of the Higher Educational Institution approved by the Order of the Ministry of Higher and Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 345 of December 9, 1998 about

1. In accordance with the Regulation on Higher Education, an institute council is established under the chairmanship of the rector to consider the main issues related to the activity of the institute.
2. The main goal of the institute’s council is to unite the efforts of the institute’s team in the activities aimed at fulfilling the following issues.
– Implementation of the national program of personnel training, ensuring the training of high-quality bachelors and masters on the basis of modern pedagogical technology and computerization, further development of scientific researches, formation of patriotism, citizenship, pride in one’s country, spiritual and cultural characteristics in young people .
– According to the charter, the composition of the council of the institute includes the following: Director, vice-rectors, faculty deans, heads of specialized departments, heads of departments and the head of the trade union.
3. The composition of the institute’s council is approved by the order of the rector of the institute. At the beginning of each academic year, new members are elected or introduced according to the statute, instead of those who left the institution’s council for various reasons.
4. Duties of the institute board:
– Review of the implementation of state educational standards curricula and programs in accordance with the National Program of Personnel Training;
– listens to reports about the institute’s educational, scientific-research and spiritual-educational activities.
– listens to reports on the organization of the educational process in the departments, working with documents and conducting scientific work;
– hears reports on the implementation of executive discipline in departments.
– the issues of scientific research, plans of spiritual and educational work and improvement of the qualifications of professors and teachers will be discussed.
– consideration of issues of preparation and publication of textbooks, training manuals and scientific, teaching-methodical literature;
– In accordance with the Regulation “On the procedure for hiring teaching staff of higher educational institutions”, competitions are held for the positions of professors and teachers;
– examines the documents of candidates seeking to obtain the scientific title of professor, docent and submits them for approval to the scientific title in the prescribed manner.
– recommends candidates from the ranks of active students and professors for internships in foreign higher educational institutions through various funds;
– recommends excellent students for named scholarships;
– approves dissertation topics and supervisor of doctoral students and independent researchers;
5. The board of the institute carries out its work in accordance with the schedule developed for each academic year. The work plan is approved by the rector of the institute.
6. Decisions of the council on all issues of educational and scientific work are adopted by majority vote in open voting. Competitions for the positions of professors and teachers, and submissions for the awarding of scientific titles of professor and docent, are accepted in the prescribed manner by closed voting.
7. Decisions of the board of the institute shall enter into force upon approval by the rector of the institute.
8. Meetings of the board of the institute are formalized with minutes. Minutes are approved by the chairman of the board of the institute and the secretary of the board.
9. The Chairman of the Council of the Institute regularly organizes inspections on the implementation of the decisions of the meeting and informs the members of the Scientific Council about the implementation of the decisions they have made.