The head of chair:

Ajiniyazov Baxit Kenesbaevich




Chair history «Zoo engineering and veterinary medicine»

     Speciality «Zootechniya» has been opened from  the Karakalpak state university named after Berdax  in 2002 of the faculty «Agronomy and agriculture mechanisation» on the chair of Agronomics 5620600 – «Zootechniya».

In 2003 the faculty has been separated from The KSU and became  Nukus branch of the Tashkent state agrarian university.

In 2004 the chair «Ecology and general sciences» have been renamed into the chair «Zootechniya» in connection with changes in organizational activity of Nukus  branch of the Tashkent state agrarian university.

In 2005, besides a speciality 5620600 – «Zootechniya», the speciality 5640100 – «Veterinary science» has been raised.

In 2019 the Nukus branch of the Tashkent state agrarian university in connection with organizational changes has been renamed into the chair «Zoo engineering and veterinary science».

The manager of the chair – the doctor of agricultural sciences (PhD) Ajiniyazov Baxitbay Kenesbaevich.

The chair has signed the agreement on innovative cooperation with 9 enterprises and farms and works with them for end of specialisation, course work, study, training, the thesis for a doctor’s degree and an industrial practice.


Bachelor degree directions:

  1. 5410600-Zootechiya (by kinds),
  2. 5410600-zooengineering (cultivation karakul sheep),
  3. 5410600-zooengineering (horse breeding and camel breeding),
  4. 5440100-veterinary medicine
  5. 5440100-veterinary science (illness of large horned livestock)

Degree of the master:

  1. 5А 410601 – poultry farming,
  2. 5А 410605 – breeding business.

 Cooperation with foreign universities

  1. The Russian state agrarian university
  2. The Kazakh national agrarian university

The professor – teachers: 18

  • the Doctor with/sciences. (PhD): 2
  • the Candidate of sciences: 4
  • the Senior teachers: 1
  • Assistants: 11