The head of chair: Kallibekova Zulxumar Berdubekovna
 Phone:+99891-370 64 71

The history of chair “Humanitarion sciences”.

         It was founded in 2003 year undem the structure of Tashkent State Agrarion University Nukus branch. In 2003-2009 years the candidate of history sciences N.Tlewbergenova, 2009-2012 years the doctor of history sciens, professor B.Qoshanov waz ruled the chain. From 2023-year the candidate of history sciences, Z.Kallibekova was tuled the chair.

               The department has a total of 6 subjects on the basis of the curriculum of undergraduate education, including “Recent History of Uzbekistan”, “Physical Culture and Sports”, “Development Strategy of Uzbekistan: Civil Society”, “Professional Psychology”, “Pedagogy, Psychology”, “Civil Society”, Мaster’s degree, “Research Methodology” and 2 part-time specialties “Modern History of Uzbekistan”, “Development Strategy of Uzbekistan: Civil Society” are taught.

            A total of 7 professors and teachers work at the department. They have: 3 scientific degrees (B. Bekimbetov, Z. Kallibekova, A. Nawrizova), 1 senior teacher (Z. Mambetniyazova) and 3 assistants (F. Seyfullaev, A. Kannazarov, Z. Allaniyazov).            Our department is in constant contact with other universities and leading research centers in the country. Scientific and practical relations of the department Tashkent State Agrarian University, Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanities of the Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Future plans of the department

1.Consistent continuation of preparation of textbooks and manuals in the state language for the main courses;

  1. Training of doctors of sciences in philosophy and history;
  2. Active participation in national and foreign scientific conferences on the department;
  3. Ensuring the preparation of students of the branch for participation in sports competitions at the national and international levels;
  4. Organization of sports competitions and popularization of sports among professors, teachers and students at the branch level, regular sports events;

6.  Professional development and research work of professors and teachers of the department abroad on the fund “El-yurt umidi”;7.  Carrying out research on the following topics:Ø History of complex economy of Karakalpaks in ancient and medieval times;Ø History of complex economy of Karakalpaks of the XIX century;Ø History of agrarian policy of our state during the years of independence;Ø Application and improvement of innovative technologies in teaching the subject “History of Karakalpakstan” in secondary schools;Ø Etiquette words in the Karakalpak language;


Urrently, the teaching staff of the department: 7 people;

• Professors and teachers with academic degrees: 3

• Associate professors: 2

• Senior teachers: 2

• Assistants: 3