Dean of faculty

Sultanov Elimbet Kalimbetovich

Telefon: +99891-390-20-09,


History of faculty

         Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 28, 1992 «On Establishment of  New Educational Institutions in the Republic of Uzbekistan» Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 11, 1992, and the Resolution of the Collegium of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan based on the decision of №4/5 of April 26, 1992, the Nukus branch of Tashkent state agrarian university was established on the basis of the Faculty of «Economy of Agriculture» of the Karakalpak state university. From that year the faculty «Mechanization of agriculture» began its activity and the faculty was headed by the cand. tech. sc. O.P.Auezov. In the structure of the faculty there were departments «Usage of machines reliability and repair», «Tractors, cars and agricultural machinery» and «Theory of machine details and mechanisms.

       The basis of point-1 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from June 3, 1995 № 201 «About perfection of the system of higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan» Nukus branch of Tashkent state agrarian university «Agrar» faculty of Karakalpak state university has been rebuilt.

      In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 269 of June 14, 2003, Nukus branch of Tashkent state agrarian university was reorganized on the basis of the Agrarian faculty of the Agrarian faculty of the Karakalpak state university named after Berdakh and since that year the faculty of «Agroengineering» and the faculty was headed by Doctor of technical sciences, professor O.P.Auezov. Based on the order of the Director of the Nukus branch of the Tashkent state agrarian university №232-H/1 dated September 20, 2004 the affiliated branch of the «Agronomy» and «Agroengineering» subdivisions were set up and the faculty of «Agronomy and Agricultural Mechanization» was headed the cand. tech. sc. S.Aminov in 2004-2010 and in 2010-2015 was headed by, doc. N.A.Absattarov.

       According to the Resolution of the cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan №311 of November 3, 2015 «On measures to further improve the supply of agricultural and water resources with higher education» Nukus branch of Tashkent state agrarian university is included into the affiliate the faculty was reorganized into «Agronomy» and «Agroengineering» faculties of the faculty «Agronomy and Mechanization of agriculture», was headed cand. tech. sc. S.U.Allaniyazov.

        According to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from May 8, 2018 «On measures to radically improve the system of preparation of higher education personnel at the Tashkent state agrarian university» according to the PD- from August 2018, Nukus branch of Tashkent state agrarian university the faculty «Agroengineering and Zooengineering» is functioning and the chair is headed by the cand. tech. sc. S.U.Allaniyazov.

        Nowadays, at the faculty 5430100-Mechanization of agriculture, 5450200-Water resources and melioration, 5450400- Hydroelectric Power construction and pumping stations, 5410700-Construction of ground and ground cadastre to bachelor’s degree students and 5A410605-Breeding, 5A410601- Poultry on specialities magisters and for Masters are trained in educational, education-methodical,  research and educational fields.

Departments of the faculty:

  1. Department of Mechanization of agriculture,
  2. Department of Melioration and Water resources,
  3. Department of Languages,
  4. Department of land Cadastre and land use.

 Relations between the faculty and higher education and production enterprises:

       The faculty has links with a number of higher education institutions and industrial enterprises in the area of innovative cooperation to work together in the field of education and integration with education. Including, Tashkent state agrarian university, Tashkent institute of Irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers, Tashkent state Technical university,  Samarkand Agricultural Institute, Andijan Agricultural Institute, Research Institute of Mechanization of agriculture, «Karakalpak Agrotechservice MTP» MCHJ Volgograd state agricultural university, «Karakalpak Agricultural Research Institute» Land Resources and state Cadastre Department of the Resublic of Karakalpakstan «Uzland project» Karakalpakstan department of scientific project institute, MCHJ «UzCIP» Karakalpakstan unitary enterprise, Lower Amudarya irrigation system Pool management department, AgroMES biolaboratory, Karakalpak branch of the scientific and research institute of rice-growing, Karakalpakstan Hydromeliorative expedition station, Farmers council of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Karakalpakstan branch of the institute of  water problems at the Tashkent institute of irrigation and melioration, «Karakalpakfishindustry» MSHJ and set up cooperation with the Karakalpakstan economy.